Univ.-Ass. Konstantina Stavrou, LL.M.
Schottenbastei 10-16 (Juridicum)
1010 Wien
E konstantina.stavrou@univie.ac.at
T +43 1 4277 27446
Lehrveranstaltungen im Wintersemester 2024/25
Im WiSe 2024/25 wird keine Lehrveranstaltung angeboten.
- Internationaler und europäischer Menschenrechtsschutz
- Völkerstrafrecht
Aktuelle Pubblikationen
- Stavrou K, 'User-Generated Evidence: A Helping Hand for the ICC Investigation into the Situation in Ukraine?' (OpinioJuris, 14 March 2022)
- Fremuth M L, Stavrou K, 'The Future We Want? –Reflections on the Interrelation between the UN Security Council and the International Criminal Court Including the Exercise of the Permanent Members´ Veto Powers in Cases of International Core Crimes' (forthcoming in the Max Planck Yearbook of the UN Law)
- Stavrou K, Sauermoser A, 'The Prosecutor v Dominic Ongwen: A Judgment of Many Firsts' (Human Rights Pulse, 11 May 2021)
- Stavrou K, 'Civil society and the IIMM in the investigation and prosecution of the crimes committed against the Rohingya', (2021) 36(1) Utrecht Journal of International and European Law 95-113
- Stavrou K, 'Open source digital evidence in international criminal cases: a way forward in ensuring accountability for core crimes?' OpinioJuris, 26 January 2021)
- Fremuth M L, Sauermoser A, Stavrou K, 'The Special Tribunal for Lebanon: After the Judgment in Ayyash et al., Justice at Last?' (OpinioJuris, 26 October 2020)
- Stavrou K, 'And the victims´voices? On the ICJ's provisional measures in the Myanmar genocide case and the role of the IIMM' (Völkerrechtsblog, 21 February 2020). DOI: 10.17176/20200221-225350-0